Go and have a look! (link)
This catalogue is being developed by the EPOS-NL and EPOS-Multi-Scale Labs teams to provide a single access point for solid Earth scientific laboratory data, published at a multitude of data repositories across Europe. Multi-Scale Lab data includes data from the following disciplines:
- Analogue modelling of geological processes
- Geochemistry
- Microscopy and Tomography
- Paleomagnetism
- Rock and Melt physics
The updated catalogue includes an innovative filtering system for discovery of data relevant to your research. This filtering system makes use of newly updated and internationally harmonized metadata schemas developed for each and across the various Multi-Scale Lab research disciplines. The metadata schemas include a taxonomy, meaning that you can search increasingly specific for the data you’re interested.
Interested in a particular material type? See for which materials the catalogue provides access to data for.
Interested in data from a particular discipline? Or geological setting (e.g. subduction zone)? Explore the different filters to see which data may be relevant to you.
Go check it out (link)! One disclaimer: the catalogue is work in progress – so may contain inconsistencies or errors. These will be resolved in due time, and we ask for your understanding in the meantime. Nonetheless, if you wish to report some of the errors you encounter – let us know by mailing to info@epos-nl.nl.
Upcoming developments for period Q4 2022 – Q3 2023:
- Addressing ‘sample location’ – to move towards showing data publications on the map
- Publishing Community approved keyword lists online – i.e. on the MSL data catalogue. Format RDF, Jason and Excel.
- Approach more European data centers for harvesting by MSL catalogue. Starting with 4TU.RD, BGS and MagIC. At present, the catalogue presents data publications from GFZ, Yoda, and CSIC
- Catalogue user testing in Q2/Q3 2023