A new, 18 MEuro proposal was submitted to the Roadmap call for Large-Scale Research Infrastructure on 17 February 2022. The proposal for “EPOS-eNLarge” is aimed at delivering the infrastructure needed for state-of-the-art research into efficient and safe use of our subsurface, in relation to meeting the international climate goals. To that end, EPOS-eNLarge will provide the missing link needed to apply our understanding of micro-processes in the subsurface at the kilometer-scale where subsurface operations – and the effects of these – take place. It will further ensure that unique research data of the Dutch subsurface is made openly, and centrally accessible for future re-use, alongside other European data. EPOS-eNLarge is a partnership between the EPOS-NL institutes Utrecht University, TU Delft and KNMI and new partner TNO.
Distributed Strain Sensing (DSS) data from the Groningen gas field are now published at Yoda data services. On request from the Dutch research community DeepNL, EPOS-NL approached the Groningen field operator (NAM) to publish these data. These are unique data, describing compaction of the reservoir system during production of the seismogenic Groningen gas field.
The Groningen gas field is the largest gas field in Europe. Gas production in this field has led to seismicity and surface subsidence, both believed to be caused by compaction of the underlying reservoir sandstone. In 2015, the field operator (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij – NAM) installed a fibre-optic cable in the Zeerijp-3a well, at a true vertical depth of about 2900 to 3200 m, i.e. in and around the gas reservoir. The Zeerijp-3a well is situated in the center of the field, where seismicity (<3.4 M) and subsidence (34 cm) are both greatest. This cable allows real-time, continuous, in-situ monitoring of compaction of the reservoir and over and underlying formations, through the Distributed Strain Sensing (DSS) technique. DSS data (strain-time-depth) obtained from October 2015 to August 2019 are provided by NAM, open access. The data were processed by NAM, as detailed in the reports accompanying the data. The data presented in this data publication were used and analyzed in the research report: “Analysis of and learnings from the first four years of in-situ strain data in Zeerijp-3A” which is provided along with this data publication and is individually, openly accessible at: NAM research reports.
Groningen gas field in the NE Netherlands, and location of the Zeerijp 3a (ZRP-3a) well. After Pijnenburg, et al., 2019, Inelastic deformation of the Slochteren sandstone: Stress‐strain relations and implications for induced seismicity in the Groningen gas field.
On 16 September 2021, the first EPOS-NL annual meeting was held. With the theme “EPOS-NL: what’s in it for you?”, this day focused on the services EPOS-NL provides for research, notably:
Free-of-charge access to Dutch research facilities
Central data access
We look back on an inspiring day. We thank the lab representatives and EPOS-NL partners who presented at this meeting, Helen Glaves for giving an inspiring keynote talk on “Open science, why does it matter?” and well over 100 participants who joined the meeting.
Did you miss (part of) the meeting, or would you like to review some of the presentations you’ve seen? Many of the presentations given can be accessed here.
Recently, NWO developed a series of clips of currently operating, national programs within the roadmap for large-scale infrastructure programs, including EPOS-NL. Watch them now on Youtube!
The NWO national roadmap for large-scale research infrastructure aims to strengthen the scientific position of the Netherlands by encouraging the development and construction of large-scale research facilities.
The 2nd call for Facility Access was open from 9 June to 16 July 2021, for proposals to get access to the ESL High Pressure and Temperature (HPT) and Tectonic modelling labs at Utrecht University, the CT scanners of the Multi-scale Imaging and Tomography (MINT) facility at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and/or the Delft Petrophysics Lab at TU Delft.
In this 2nd call we received 13 applications, bringing the 2021 total to 31 applications, from all over the world. Successful applicants receive(d) the following services free of charge: lab/equipment use, technical support and scientific support for analyzing data for the duration of the access period. EPOS-NL expects to grant 22 to 25 out of the total 31 applications, fully in the spirit of sharing research facilities and open science!
The next call for EPOS-NL Facility Access will be open in Q1 2022. To stay informed about future calls, subscribe to our newsletter here:
Stay up to date on EPOS-NL developments, access calls and open data
Capabilities include CT scanning, triaxial compression testing, ring shear (friction) testing and analogue modelling of tectonic processes, including a wide range of surface scanners and cameras.
Access can be remote (send in sample analysis) or physical (personal visit), depending on developments in corona restrictions, the requirements of the facility to be accessed and/or your wishes. Click here for more information.
The structural geology group at Utrecht University is collaborating with the EarthCube-funded StraboSpotinitiative to develop (meta)data schemas, templates and workflows, to support researchers in collecting and publishing petrological and microstructural data. This data will be made available in a FAIR manner through the EPOS (European Plate Observing System) data publication chain (https://epos-msl.uu.nl/).
The data workflow under development currently includes: a) collecting structural field (meta)data compliant with the StraboSpot protocols, b) creating thin sections oriented in three dimensions by applying a notch system, c) scanning and digitizing thin sections using a high-resolution scanner, d) automated mineralogy through EDS on a SEM, and e) high-resolution geochemistry using a microprobe. The purpose of this workflow is to be able to track geochemical and structural measurements and observations throughout the analytical process.
This workflow is applied to samples from the Cap de Creus region in northeast Spain. Located in the axial zone of the Pyrenees, the pre-Cambrian metasediments underwent HT-LP greenschist- to amphibolite-facies metamorphism, are intruded by pegmatitic bodies, and transected by greenschist-facies shear zones. Cap de Creus is a natural laboratory for studying the deformation history of the Pyrenees, and samples from the region are ideal to test and refine the data workflow.
In response to the growing geo-societal challenges of our densely populated planet, current research frequently requires convergence of multiple research disciplines, and optimized use of openly available data, research facilities and funds. EPOS-NL contributes to such optimized use. To get access to research facilities, researchers can apply to a bi-annual call, with 2021 calls planned in Q1 and Q3. EPOS-NL further works with researchers, data centers and industry to provide access to essential data and models (e.g. pertaining to the seismogenic Groningen gas field) within the framework of the European infrastructure EPOS, conforming to FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data principles.
Presentation title: EPOS-NL: How to publish earth science data in the Netherlands
When: 9 April 11:00-11:15
Session: Methods and instrumentation
Presenters: Richard Wessels, Lora Armstrong, Vincent Brunst, Connie Clare, and Otto Lange
Publishing research data in a Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) manner is becoming increasingly valued, and often required by funders and publishers. It also enables the reuse and citation of data, thereby increasing the impact of research. Under EPOS-NL, TU Delft and Utrecht University are collaborating to improve the FAIRness of earth science research data.
To make data more FAIR, it can be sustainably published in data repositories, such as 4TU.ResearchData (TU Delft) or Yoda (Utrecht University). This collaboration evaluates the value of publishing FAIR data using both repositories, focusing on (harmonization of) the publication processes, their advantages and limitations. In addition, it targets the discovery of published data through other platforms, such as data catalogues and search engines to enlarge their findability and re-use.
Researchers interested in publishing and retrieving data using 4TU.ResearchData or Yoda are encouraged to attend.
A call was open from 15 February to 26 March 2021, for proposals to get remote access (send-in sample analysis) to the Multi-scale Imaging and Tomography (MINT) facilities at Utrecht University and Delft University of Technology and the ESL High Pressure and Temperature (HPT) Lab at Utrecht University. Remote access implies that researchers can send samples to these facilities, where experienced staff will perform analyses based on remotely provided instructions. Successful applicants received the following services free of charge: lab/equipment use, technical support and scientific support for analyzing data for the duration of the access period. In addition, sample shipment costs up to 100 Euro were covered.
EPOS-NL provides facility access to researchers from other institutes (national and international) than the university hosting the facility. Financial support for facility access is provided through the research infrastructure EPOS-NL, which is financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
To stay informed about future calls, subscribe to our newsletter here: