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Core photos Groningen gas field published

Great news!

A new dataset has been published by the Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM), through EPOS-NL. This open access dataset constitutes photographs of core slabs (core-parallel slices) taken from the reservoir intervals of 67 cored wells in the Groningen field and surrounding areas.

The Groningen gas field is the largest gas field in Europe and has been showing seismicity since the 1990s. The approximately 200 meter thick gas reservoir is situated at ~3 km depth, and comprises Permian (Slochteren) sandstone from the Rotliegend formation. The reservoir has been cored extensively by NAM. Each core has been sectioned (cut vertically) and all sections have been photographed. The resulting photograph database allows for detailed inspection of sedimentological features of the Rotliegend reservoir of the Groningen Field. This dataset further includes a web-based core Image viewing tool developed in-house by NAM. This tool allows for scrolling through photos of individual wells with zoom-in functionality at different magnifications.   

Access the data here  


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